Implementing Topology Mutation Hook Runtime Extensions
The Topology Mutation Hooks are going to be called during each Cluster topology reconciliation. More specifically we are going to call two different hooks for each reconciliation:
- GeneratePatches: GeneratePatches is responsible for generating patches for the entire Cluster topology.
- ValidateTopology: ValidateTopology is called after all patches have been applied and thus allow to validate the resulting objects.
Please see the corresponding CAEP for additional background information.
Inline vs. external patches
Inline patches have the following advantages:
- Inline patches are easier when getting started with ClusterClass as they are built into the Cluster API core controller, no external component have to be developed and managed.
External patches have the following advantages:
- External patches can be individually written, unit tested and released/versioned.
- External patches can leverage the full feature set of a programming language and are thus not limited to the capabilities of JSON patches and Go templating.
- External patches can use external data (e.g. from cloud APIs) during patch generation.
- External patches can be easily reused across ClusterClasses.
Using one or multiple external patch extensions
Some considerations:
- In general a single external patch extension is simpler than many, as only one extension then has to be built, deployed and managed.
- A single extension also requires less HTTP round-trips between the CAPI controller and the extension(s).
- With a single extension it is still possible to implement multiple logical features using different variables.
- When implementing multiple logical features in one extension it’s recommended that they can be conditionally enabled/disabled via variables (either via certain values or by their existence).
- Conway’s law might make it not feasible in large organizations to use a single extension. In those cases it’s important that boundaries between extensions are clearly defined.
For general Runtime Extension developer guidelines please refer to the guidelines in Implementing Runtime Extensions. This section outlines considerations specific to Topology Mutation hooks:
- Input validation: An External Patch Extension must always validate its input, i.e. it must validate that all variables exist, have the right type and it must validate the kind and apiVersion of the templates which should be patched.
- Timeouts: As External Patch Extensions are called during each Cluster topology reconciliation, they must respond as fast as possible (<=200ms) to avoid delaying individual reconciles and congestion.
- Availability: An External Patch Extension must be always available, otherwise Cluster topologies won’t be reconciled anymore.
- Side Effects: An External Patch Extension must not make out-of-band changes. If necessary external data can be retrieved, but be aware of performance impact.
- Deterministic results: For a given request (a set of templates and variables) an External Patch Extension must always return the same response (a set of patches). Otherwise the Cluster topology will never reach a stable state.
- Idempotence: An External Patch Extension must only return patches if changes to the templates are required, i.e. unnecessary patches when the template is already in the desired state must be avoided.
- Avoid Dependencies: An External Patch Extension must be independent of other External Patch Extensions. However if dependencies cannot be avoided, it is possible to control the order in which patches are executed via the ClusterClass.
- Error messages: For a given request (a set of templates and variables) an External Patch Extension must always return the same error message. Otherwise the system might became unstable due to controllers being overloaded by continuous changes to Kubernetes resources as these messages are reported as conditions. See error messages.
A GeneratePatches call generates patches for the entire Cluster topology. Accordingly the request contains all templates, the global variables and the template-specific variables. The response contains generated patches.
Example request:
- Generating patches for a Cluster topology is done via a single call to allow External Patch Extensions a holistic view of the entire Cluster topology. Additionally this allows us to reduce the number of round-trips.
- Each item in the request will contain the template as a raw object. Additionally information about where
the template is used is provided via
kind: GeneratePatchesRequest
- name: <variable-name>
value: <variable-value>
- uid: 7091de79-e26c-4af5-8be3-071bc4b102c9
kind: MachineDeployment
namespace: default
name: cluster-md1-xyz
fieldPath: spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef
kind: AWSMachineTemplate
- name: <variable-name>
value: <variable-value>
Example Response:
- The response contains patches instead of full objects to reduce the payload.
- Templates in the request and patches in the response will be correlated via UIDs.
- Like inline patches, external patches are only allowed to change fields in
kind: GeneratePatchesResponse
status: Success # or Failure
message: "error message if status == Failure"
- uid: 7091de79-e26c-4af5-8be3-071bc4b102c9
patchType: JSONPatch
patch: <JSON-patch>
For additional details, you can see the full schema in .
We are considering to introduce a library to facilitate development of External Patch Extensions. It would provide capabilities like:
- Accessing builtin variables
- Extracting certain templates from a GeneratePatches request (e.g. all bootstrap templates)
If you are interested in contributing to this library please reach out to the maintainer team or feel free to open an issue describing your idea or use case.
A ValidateTopology call validates the topology after all patches have been applied. The request contains all templates of the Cluster topology, the global variables and the template-specific variables. The response contains the result of the validation.
Example Request:
- The request is the same as the GeneratePatches request except it doesn’t have
fields. We don’t need them as we don’t have to correlate patches in the response.
kind: ValidateTopologyRequest
- name: <variable-name>
value: <variable-value>
- holderReference:
kind: MachineDeployment
namespace: default
name: cluster-md1-xyz
fieldPath: spec.template.spec.infrastructureRef
kind: AWSMachineTemplate
- name: <variable-name>
value: <variable-value>
Example Response:
kind: ValidateTopologyResponse
status: Success # or Failure
message: "error message if status == Failure"
For additional details, you can see the full schema in .
Dealing with Cluster API upgrades with apiVersion bumps
There are some special considerations regarding Cluster API upgrades when the upgrade includes a bump of the apiVersion of infrastructure, bootstrap or control plane provider CRDs.
When calling external patches the Cluster topology controller is always sending the templates in the apiVersion of the references in the ClusterClass.
While inline patches are always referring to one specific apiVersion, external patch implementations are more flexible. They can be written in a way that they are able to handle multiple apiVersions of a CRD. This can be done by calculating patches differently depending on which apiVersion is received by the external patch implementation.
This allows users more flexibility during Cluster API upgrades:
Variant 1: External patch implementation supporting two apiVersions at the same time
- Update Cluster API
- Update the external patch implementation to be able to handle custom resources with the old and the new apiVersion
- Update the references in ClusterClasses to use the new apiVersion
Note In this variant it doesn’t matter if Cluster API or the external patch implementation is updated first.
Variant 2: Deploy an additional instance of the external patch implementation which can handle the new apiVersion
- Upgrade Cluster API
- Deploy the new external patch implementation which is able to handle the new apiVersion
- Update ClusterClasses to use the new apiVersion and the new external patch implementation
- Remove the old external patch implementation as it’s not used anymore
Note In this variant it doesn’t matter if Cluster API is updated or the new external patch implementation is deployed first.